【同义词辨析】 2018-04-09 缩减shorten-retrench

shorten: implies a reduction in length OR duration: ~ the speech to Fit the allotted time.

curtail: adds an implication of cutting that in some way deprives of completeness or adequacy: ceremonies ~ because of the rain.

abbreviate: implies a making shorter usually by omitting or cutting off some part: hostile questioning that ~ the interview.

abridge: implies a reduction in compass or scope with retention of essential elements and relative completeness of the result: the ~ version of the novel.

retrench: suggests a reduction in extent of something felt to be excessive: falling prices forced the company to ~.

shorten: 泛指长度或时间减少,curtail: 剪掉使不再完整充分,abbreviate省略: 忽略切除一部分以变短,abridge: 缩小范围保持精华完整,retrench: 减少过量的东西。

记忆方法: 1)SCAAR: 首字母是一个伤疤A SCAR==>努力缩减

        2)缩减的意思是减少范围mean to reduce in extent.